Erin King
I am an international spiritual teacher, an ordained clergywoman with the United Church of Christ, a Spiritual Director, grief counselor, and a workshop and retreat leader for over 30 years. I have been trained and certified as a spiritual director, and I have been a Board-Certified chaplain with the Association of Professional Chaplains as I have walked with many people during crises, major grief and loss as a hospice and hospital chaplain for over 20 years.
As artist, teacher and spiritual director, I use creative expression as a way of communicating that which is “beyond the eye”. I agree with Eric Gill's quote, “The artist is not a different kind of person, but every person is a different kind of artist”. I try to live out that quote in my own life as well as provide opportunities for individuals to discover that for themselves. I am a trained facilitator in SoulCollage®, and an Intentional Creativity® teacher.
I define spirituality as, "having a relationship with self, other and the Divine”. I act as an ecumenical "bridge-builder” with people from all faiths as well as those with no faith identity. I offer a variety of classes, workshops, retreats and one on one consultant sessions throughout the year.
While living in Tokyo Japan from 1986-1990, 1995-1999, I learned how to paint Japanese Sumie and create Ikebana flower arrangements. While there I founded Izumi-Wellspring Center where English-Speaking Japanese and ex-patriots from around the world participated in my classes and retreats. In 1986 I discovered the mandala while teaching a class on seeking spiritual well-being. I have drawn mandalas as one of my spiritual tools and have created mandalas weekly since then. I have taught classes on how to use the mandala as a healing tool for over 30 years. I am a trained MARI® practitioner and teacher. I have worked with individuals, helping them seek wholeness and wellbeing using the mandala and the MARI® as tools.
I live in the Central Valley of Northern California. I love gardening, and taking care of the birds in my yard, going to the ocean in Pacifica, CA for spiritual renewal, and playing with my grandchildren regularly, often painting and creating mandalas together.