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Spiritual Eldering


"From Age-ing to Sage-ing: Spiritual Eldering"


So many people experience physical and mental changes and wonder how they are valuable or worthwhile now. Do we have to be physically active and mentally sharp to be appreciated by family, friends, and


This class series will focus on exploring what it means to be an older person in ourcommunities and society. We will look at and experience “spiritual eldering”. We will re-contextualize aging as “the anticipated fulfillment of life, not its inevitable decline”. The focus will be discovering that elderhood is a time of unparalleled inner spiritual growth. Each class will include a teaching/learning time, plus an
opportunity to experience spiritual eldering.


This is a 4-week series course. 

No events are planned at this time.


Contact Erin King if interested: or 209-815-0763


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